A downloadable game

A 2.5D platformer where you search for your lost eggs; as two kiwis that can wall jump, bounce on the tops of mushrooms and swing from swings, as they make their way through the New Zealand countryside solving puzzles along the way, all while avoiding predators and environmental dangers such as water and heights.

Play tester questionnaire

 (post in comments):

  • How long did each play through of all 4 levels take?
  • How long did each level take per play through?
  • How many times did you play through the game from start to finish?
  • Did you notice any bugs? If so what are the steps to replicate?
  • Were there any mechanics that you were unsure on how to use?
  • Were there any sections that you got stuck on the most? If yes, provide details.
  • Did you feel like you were enough given meaning choices? If not, what was it that made the gameplay feel restrictive?
  • How many eggs did you collect per level for each run?
  • What was the total eggs collected in the end of game?
  • Did you feel lost at any point? If so, where?
  • How many times did you die per level per run?
  • IF you did die, share a screenshot of the area you died the most



HappyYellow_Milestone4.zip 668 MB


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iggy's playthrough lvl 1 5/6 2:30 

lvl 2 bypassed first wall slide bypass hay egg puzzle can't use winch went stacked winch missing texture escaped level 2x right by water checkpoint soft locked lvl 2 5/8 14:22

 lvl 3 felt clunky in garage final eggs too small 

lvl 4 10/10 eggs 7:25 frogs in lvl4 missing texture total 23/27

(2 edits)

playtime: roughly 33-34 minutes
lvl1: 2-3 min
lvl2: 13 min
lvl3: 8 min
lvl4: 9 min
all eggs found

the swings got me stuck the most, i either mistimed it or hit my head on the ceiling in the kitchen.

no bug, the hit box to trigger the pulleys was a bit small. print to screen still enabled in options menu when sliding audio settings
never felt lost

died most in lvl 4, i kept checking the water areas for hidden eggs and i'm overall bad at platforming

i didn't count deaths that were caused by me doing something dumb just to see what would happen but overall deaths 8

1. all of em roughly 4 minutes.

2. Timer for the levels:

  1 minute

  3 minutes

  3 minutes 

  5 minutes

3. Once through 1-3 and completed the game a second time

4. Not that i saw

5. The wall jumping was very finicky 

6. Flood parts in lvl 2 and 4

7.  Its a sidescroller so its bound to be restrictive but the second level felt so restrictive 






9. 27/31

10. No it helped that it was linear

11. I died the most at the second level

12. The water was the primary source of all my deaths

  1. 27 min 12sec
  2. Timer per level
    1. 2 min 54 sec
    2. 11 min 20 sec
    3. 6 min 48 min
    4. 6 min 6 sec
  3.  I played One time
  4. No bugs that I noticed
  5. The speed boost wasn't added until the third level.
  6. I didn't get stuck very often mostly on my part.
  7. There weren't many meaningful choices, but collecting the eggs added more options.
  8. Eggs per level
    1. 6
    2. 10
    3. 0
    4. 10
  9. 26/ 31
  10. Nope took me longer cause I was looking at everything too
  11. Deaths Per Level
    1. 0
    2. 3
    3. 3
    4. 4
  12. all the deaths were on me because I'm not good at using mouse and keyboard, but the game does provide a great challenge